China Club in Australia – Shanghai Free Trade Zone
Photo: Ray Evans (CEOof Australian Business Forum), David Thomas (CEO Think Global), Prof He-Ling Shin (Monash University), John Rashleigh ( Chair Australian Business Forum), Ashley Spencer (VP Hilton Australasia), Bill Bryant (China Southern Airlines)
The Australian Business Forum China Club luncheon was held on 22 November 2013 on Level 61 of the Governor Philip Tower, at the offices of King Wood Mallesons in Sydney.
Prof He-Ling Shi gave an update on the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, which will open up new opportunities for Australian businesses into China.
Mr Peng Gang, Commercial Consul of PRC in Sydney proposed a toast to the luncheon VIPs and guests.
Dr Caroline Hong is Ambassador for Australian Business Forum at the China Club luncheon.
Enquiries about the SME opportunities at the SFTZ can be directed to or