Love, Life and Happiness
This photo reminds me of how life has turned around for me and my family. Makes me rewind that video in my mind’s eye. Born into a wealthy business family, and then dived into extreme poverty for years when my dad lost his business. With ten children to house, clothe, feed and educate, I have no idea how my mum, dad and our whole family survived. I am sure there are many stories like mine in Asia and especially, in less privileged countries. There was no social welfare. Miraculously a whole series of events and incidents which were tough, challenging, traumatic and difficult over many years, brought me to where I am today, living in a beautiful city of Sydney and enjoying friends, family, work and what I hope, is a meaningful useful life. We learnt many life lessons, made many mistakes, recovered quickly and moved forward. I feel grateful everyday because I live a life filled with plenty of love and happiness. Even during the past years of long periods of sadness and tragedy, there were many memories of love and happiness.
I learnt that life is a journey, a beautiful journey. If we care to look deep, find the beauty in love, life and people, and be able to fossilise them in our hearts, our spirits will remain high and our souls, nourished.