China HR Australia and Asia HR Australia – a total HR and people management solution in Australia
A commonly asked question…
Why Chinese businesses call China HR Australia?
Why Asia businesses in Australia call Asia HR Australia?
1. Because you want HR advice
2. Because you need to take some emergency action
3. Because you need HR support for your business on-going
4. Because you need to be compliant quickly
5. Because you have a sizable HR project you require done
6. Because you need to talk to someone who understand both Australian and Chinese operations
China HR is a business totally dedicated to providing businesses from China with everything they need in terms of people management solutions to succeed in Australia. We can help you establish and grow your business in this complex international environment. We enjoy an abundance of local, experienced Australian Managers with extensive history in both local and Asian businesses of every size.
If you are involved in business acquisition, start-ups or international expansion into Australia, China HR’s extensive experience allows us to assist you in making a good return on your investment. We will ensure you are compliant with Australian legislation and assist in your business strategy from a people management perspective. Every component of human resources and people management can be undertaken through China HR which is why China HR is a unique but obvious choice as your partner in Australia.
Asia HR Australia is a sister company of ChinaHR Australia
Here is how you contact us
ChinaHr Australia Head Quarters
Level 7, 220 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
ph: +61 2 9251 5999
1300 ChinaHR
1300 244 624
Asia Hr Australia Head Quarters
Level 7, 220 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
ph: +61 2 9251 5999