NSW Harmony Cup Golf Tournament – Cultural Charity Event – Twin Creeks – ACETCA
I am a social golf player, which means I enjoy the social aspects of the game but do not take it seriously enough to make time to work at it.
However, each time I play, I always seem to enjoy the game more than I ever expected. I do hope to make more time to play golf in 2015.
This desire was stirred from my recent participation at the Harmony Cup Golf Tournament, organised and invited by Mr Amen Lee, JP OAM, Executive Chairman of Australia China Economics, Trade and Culture Association. More than 80 people particpated at this Cultural Charity event. It was a very professionally organised golf event, and we are grateful to the ACETCA team who worked tirelessly behind the scenes and the volunteer organising committee under the leadership of Amen Lee.
Amongst those who played included the Hon Andrew Stoner, Hon Victor Dominello MP, and the Consul representatives from the PRC Consulate office. Many corporate companies participated as well as gave generously as sponsors of the event.
I had the pleasure of playing the golf game with the Hon Andrew Stoner, Mr Eng Joo Ang and Peter Wong. Miraculously, I finished 18 holes, although I seemed to spend a lot of time in the sand bunkers. The Twin Creeks Golf course is full of hazards and is not an easy course.
I was honoured to be named Second Runners-Up amongst the ladies who particpated. I treasure the trophy as a happy reminder of participation and support of this great charity event, and the wonderful work of ACETCA in business, community, culture and charity events.
The work of ACETCA to strengthen the relationship between Australia and China is well known amongst the Chinese and Australian community, government and business sectors. It’s head office is in Sydney and it has branches in Beijing, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau.
I feel honoured to have Amen Lee OAM, his wife Josephine Lam and many of their Executive members in my network of friends and colleagues, and to also have met the inspiring Honorary Chairman Mr Fai Yuen Lam.
More can be found on the website www.acetca.org.au
The proceeds raised from the charity event went to the the Rural Fire Service to benefit the volunteer fire brigades.
Writing this, brings back memories of my past links to golf.
I took part in the Australian Dental Association, South Australian Branch Annual Golf Day in the 1980’s.
I did not really know the significance until it made worthy news in the ADA dental journal under Branch News, where it was mentioned that ‘Amongst those who played was Dr Caroline Hong”.
I was the first woman to ever take part in the ADA SA Golf Day, playing at the Grange Golf course with Dr John Booth and Dr Geoff Heithersay. Dr John Booth was one of my early mentors when I was practising dentistry and I served with him as the first woman Executive Secretary on the Federal body of the Australian Society of Endodontology (ASE) in 1986. Dr John Booth sadly passed away in 2002 and I will forever remember him fondly as the Father of Endodontics. Although he encouraged me to pursue a career to be a specialist endodontist in my early career as a dentist in Adelaide, I took the other path of health management and administration due to life circumstances which led me to where I am today. I often think back like “Sliding Doors” on where my life direction would have been if I pursued clinical specialist training and academia instead.
My other links to Golf was when I became the first woman and first Asian to take on the role of CEO of an estbalished and at that time, male caucasian dominated association, called the Australian Dental Association NSW & ACT. To my delight, I was required to attend two social ADA events amongst numerous business meetings every year. Golf day and Sailing day were my favourite social events at the ADA. That also gave me an insight to the many fun aspects of dentists when they are competing on the golf course and at sea.
I can’t help but agree with these quotes:
“Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated” – Arnold Palmer
“Golf without bunkers and hazards would be tame and monotonous. So would life” – BC Forbes
My quote for golf would be:
“Golf is a game where it might take me many hits to reach the hole. Life is also like that. You just keep going, do your best, enjoy as much as you possibly can and finish the game in good spirit.”
I did just that. Finish the game.
NSW Harmony Cup Golf Tournament at Twin Creeks, NSW on 22 March 2015
Amen Lee OAM, Executive Chairman of ACETCA tees off at the NSW Harmony Cup Golf Tournament
NSW Harmony Cup Golf Tournament – Peter Wong, Eng Joo Ang Dr Caroline Hong and Hon Andrew Stoner
Second Runners-Up trophy won by Dr Caroline Hong – NSW Harmony Cup Golf Tournament at Twin Creeks 22 March 2015